Berlin Farms...
"Continuing traditions"
quintessential historic New England farm-farmstead c. 1731
conservation site
heritage breed barnyard
apiary, honey & heirloom orchards
farm kitchen
riding school
featured on NPR & CNN
Berlin Farms, a quintessential New England farmstead circa 1731 that is protected under deeded conservation, specializes in the care and breeding of endangered barnyard animals. These heritage breeds, some indigenous and some brought to North American by the Early Settlers, are now struggling due to the commercialization of farming and overall reduction in number of farming households. Berlin Farms is working to conserve historic breeds and genetic diversity in livestock, helping to bring breeds off the endangered list to the recovering list through grass-roots efforts.
"Survival or extinction. That's what is at stake for more than 150 breeds of livestock and poultry... Without your help, these beautiful, historic and useful breeds could be lost."
Charles Bassett
"...The culture of Berlin Farms is humble, hardworking and caring. We are here 365 days in all weather for the barnyard animals, to farm the land and to serve our customers. "
Berlin Farms Staff